Menjaga Kredibilitas Media Tradisional di Tengah Keterbukaan Informasi Digital
In an era that is filled with perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, literasi media arus di tengah akses dari masyarakat akan membawa berbagai dampak yang mendapatkan terhadap kehidupan sehari-hari, budaya, dan demokrasi. Therefore, the quality of media arus is vital for the stability of masyarakat and it should be in line with the kode etik jurnalistik and the principles of journalism outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Nevertheless, there are several challenges that need to be overcome if the quality of media arus is to be guaranteed, especially in the face of the rapid development of social media and other forms of mass communication. These include the need for a greater level of professionalism and adherence to the kode etik jurnalistik, as well as the need for more transparency in the process of reporting.
Furthermore, it is important for the Dewan Persatuan to be more responsive in dealing with media arus that does not comply with kode etik jurnalistik. Lastly, it is necessary for the media to have a more active role in educating masyarakat in order to maintain the quality of media arus and ensure its credibility in delivering information to the public. This is because the media is a key player in forming the opinion of the public. In addition, the media is a crucial source of information for the public and has a direct impact on a variety of social issues.